We are committed to Jesus, as revealed in the Bible, trusting in Him alone
for salvation, obeying Him by putting into practice His expectations of us, and
experiencing the joy and peace that comes only from Him.
Current Activities:
- Men's Gathering Men, we invite you to join us for men's fellowship, a pastry and bottomless coffee in the fellowship hall twice a month. 7 to 8 am, SECOND and FOURTH Thursday. This month April 8 and 22. Pastor Jack will usually stick around awhile longer for anyone who wants to spend a little more time in the Word and friendship. Please join us!
- E-mail Updates: If you would like to be added to our e-mail distribution list, e-mail: bbchurch@pacbell.net.
- COVID guidance: If you are not feeling well (cold, flu, nausea elevated temperature, etc.), please do not attend services--or go anywhere else for that matter. If you have underlying at-risk factors, consider limiting your risk of exposure, be alert to developing symptoms, and see a doctor if you manifest the symptoms of COVID. Risk factors include: elderly (over 70), diabetes, heart disease, asthma, COPD, cancer, cystic fibrosis, immunodeficiency, and tobacco smoking. The younger the patients are, the less severe their symptoms. Some young people experience only mild cold symptoms.
Check your current church calendar and worship bulletin for more
complete information on Broadway activities
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love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
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